Sunday, July 12, 2009


Its been awhile since we've updated. Need to stop being big slackers! Here are the current standings:

(Still need an update from Betsy)

- Starting weight: 144 pounds
- Current weight: 141.4 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 2.6 pounds

- Starting weight: 125 pounds
- Current weight: 121 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 4 pounds

- Starting weight: 190 pounds
- Current weight: 185 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 5 pounds

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Wednesday Update!

Here is our update for the week. We are a good 6 weeks into the challenge, so you should really start seeing results now! Remember to eat healthy and work out... those are the keys to losing weight!

- Starting weight: 144 pounds
- Current weight: 141.4 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 2.6 pounds

- Starting weight: 125 pounds
- Current weight: 123 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 2 pounds

- Starting weight: 190 pounds
- Current weight: 187 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 3 pounds

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One month - UPDATE!

I can't believe we've already been doing the fitness challenge for one month and this is only the first post that I've made since we started! I will start to do weekly posts now because I think it helps keep us motivated. This is where we are at with our weight loss so far:

- Starting weight: 144 pounds
- Current weight: 143.8 pounds
- Total pounds lost: .2 pounds

- Starting weight: 125 pounds
- Current weight: 123 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 2 pounds

- Starting weight: 190 pounds
- Current weight: 188 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 2 pounds

Looks we are off to a good start! Remember what we are working toward... a lovely vacation like THIS! Not necessarily that exact place, but just think how nice that vacation will be to enjoy after working so hard!

On a side note, I have a new fitness tool - EA Sports Active! I know Betsy is thinking about getting it, too. I'm really excited to try it out! I saw it on Ellen and it looked like so much fun.

How is everyone staying motivated?

Sunday, April 12, 2009

2009 Fitness Challenge!

New Fitness Challenge for 2009. This year, we will set individual goals. If we all meet our goals, we will take a trip to an all-inclusive Caribbean resort!


1) Fitness Challenge starts on April 15, 2009 and will end on March 31, 2010.

2) The trip to somewhere in the Caribbean when we ALL meet our goals will be in Fall/Winter 2010, depending on schedules.

3) Part of the Fitness Challenge is to save money for our trip to the Caribbean, so open your savings accounts now!

The Goals:

- Current weight: 144 pounds
- Goal weight: 130 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 14 pounds

- Current weight: 125 pounds
- Goal weight: 115 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 10 pounds

- Current weight: 190 pounds
- Goal weight: 150 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 40 pounds

The challenge also includes maintaining the weight. You must get down to your goal weight and stay within five pounds of that goal weight once its been lost. We can post updates on our progression weekly!