Wednesday, May 13, 2009

One month - UPDATE!

I can't believe we've already been doing the fitness challenge for one month and this is only the first post that I've made since we started! I will start to do weekly posts now because I think it helps keep us motivated. This is where we are at with our weight loss so far:

- Starting weight: 144 pounds
- Current weight: 143.8 pounds
- Total pounds lost: .2 pounds

- Starting weight: 125 pounds
- Current weight: 123 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 2 pounds

- Starting weight: 190 pounds
- Current weight: 188 pounds
- Total pounds lost: 2 pounds

Looks we are off to a good start! Remember what we are working toward... a lovely vacation like THIS! Not necessarily that exact place, but just think how nice that vacation will be to enjoy after working so hard!

On a side note, I have a new fitness tool - EA Sports Active! I know Betsy is thinking about getting it, too. I'm really excited to try it out! I saw it on Ellen and it looked like so much fun.

How is everyone staying motivated?

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